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The Legend of the Puddle Maker

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  14 Hits

Clue #4 Secret Elixir of Blueberry

 Let's go over the clue words

1. Compound word that a an apartment dog would love both words individually.
2. What houses a lot of creatures that dogs love a lot?
3. Painting the roses red?
  37 Hits

Clue #3 Secret of the Elixir of Blueberry

How are you doing with your clues?  

  39 Hits

Clue #2 Secret Elixir of Blueberry

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  44 Hits

The Secret Elixir of Blueberry

 The blueberry is rumored to be the scent that a dog enjoys the most.   But alas Mr, Meow-rity has pilfered our bejeweled vial of it.  Who can help Indiana Bones recover it?  

Clue #1

While the smell of blueberries are apparently, a canine's favorite scent.There is a compound word that an apartment dwelling pup does not have but would enjoy both the words in the combo. It is the name of where the artifact lies.


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The Magic Lamp of Howl-O-O-O has been found!

Wowsers, they were fast! JJ and Gianna Massura found the Lamp on the first clue! Woot! Way to go kids! The Lamp was tucked into the back of the carved tree at Bluestem Nature Center. Here are all the clues that were from this week.The stolen piece is just wingspan or so away from beautiful songs.If you saw what I saw, you would be unchained and feel like a 6 ft. treow.Whether you say azure, sky, cobalt, indigo, aquamarine, sapphire, or navy, it still not the sedge you expect in the verd.Where can you see a squirrel, blue jay, 4 owls, goose, raccoon, 2 monarch butterflies, woodpecker and a bear all together? #cslpsummerreading #MrDufferssaysREADmoreBooks #INlibrary #scavengerhunt #mrdufferssaysreadmorebooks #monticelloparksdepartment #readmorebooks #monticelloindiana 

  36 Hits

The Magic Lamp Of Howl-O-O-O!


Mr. Meow-rity is back at his naughty habits!  This time he has taken the Magic Lamp of Howl-O-O-O.  How long will it take you to figure out the clues he left behind?   Are you smarter than an angry kitty cat?  The chase is afoot!  Good Luck! 

  37 Hits

The Crystal Bone has been recovered

The Crystal Bone has been found by the Kyburz kids Molly, Madison and Henry. They found the bone behind the Chicago Thread concrete cover stone in front of the White County Historical Society. Indiana Bones was so excited. Congratulations kids! Join us a Monday morning on social media or our website for our next adventure. #cslpsummerreading #stuff4kids #MrDufferssaysREADmoreBooks #INlibrary #scavengerhunt #readmorebooks #monticelloindiana #familyfun

  53 Hits

Clue #4 - Indiana Bones and the Mystery of the Crystal Bone

Friends, Indiana Bones is getting worried that the Crystal Bone hasn't been found yet! Please get out and help us search. Today's clue has 2 really awesome hints! We hope they help! Don't forget that story time is at 10 am on the patio today! Also Friday the 14th we have story time at Bluestem Nature Center at 10 am and Garden Party for K-5th Grade at 2 pm!  

  54 Hits

Indiana Bones and the Mystery of the Crystal Bone Clue #3

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Indiana Bones and the Mystery of the Crystal Bone Clue #2

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Indiana Bones and the Mystery of the Crystal Bone! Clue #1

Egads!  Mr. Meow-rity has successfully pinched another one of our treasure in the display!  Who is ready to help Indiana Bones find the Bone?   

Also the numbers  drawn for the  LittleBits Guitar Kit and the 2 tickets for Wolf Park are  45 and  35!  Please bring your wrist band to the library to receive your gift.  

  56 Hits

Clue #3 for the Missing Chalice of Eternal Kibble


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  159 Hits

Day 2 and a new Clue!

Day 2 for the search for the Chalice of Eternal Kibble. The Chalice lies near where vehicles float out and the float in. Just a bit up the road, there is much to see. Cross the bridge when it comes to you. It's going to be a great day to get out and explore the town.   

  59 Hits

The Game is Afoot!

Oh no!  Mr. Meow-rity  was successful in his efforts to pilfer the Chalice of Eternal Kibble!  Kids, please help Indiana Bones find the chalice and return it to the collections.  There will be one clue a day.  Remember to respect the property you search!!! If you find the treasure, please bring to the children’s desk!  Feel free to document your find on social media , but please take the library in your post!  

Drumroll!!! !🥁🥁🥁

Clue #1 - The chalice lies near where vehicles float out and they float in.

Good luck!  Have fun! And watch out for the deer!


  57 Hits

Mr. Meow-rity Sightings near Library!


The public has reported two sightings of Mr. Meow-rity near the library in the last two days!  Egads, let's hope we can keep him out of the library and away from out doggie treasures!    Indiana Bones asks all kids to keep their eyes peeled for this pesky, persistent pick pocket.   And don't forget to get signed up for our Beanstack Summer Reading challenges for all ages!  

  183 Hits

Big News! Summer Reading is Almost Here!

This just in at the Monticello-Union Public Library! Keep watch as our scavenger hunt will be a foot on Monday! Also Summer Reading starts Saturday! Yeah! Are you signed up? Adults - read 600 minutes plus activities! Teens Complete your book bingo of 6 and then fill up your bingo card for more tickets! 6-11 and 0-5 years olds read 6 books plus a few activities! Kick off June 8th at Altherr Park 2-4 pm 

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Adventure Begins At YOUR Library


Our summer reading challenge is about to begin! In addition to our regular reading challenge in Beanstack and our awesome programs, we will be hosting an epic one of a kind Scavenger Story featuring our Mr. Duffers aka Indiana Bones. Enjoy the beginning out the story with this video! 

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